+49 176 101 201 86
+49 176 101 201 86

TV appearances and publications


Known from


Recent publications by Susanne Nickel in journals and magazines.

Just click on the corresponding article to read the complete article.

RGA 08.01.2022 INTERVIEW
“How to reach your goal to be happier again”

Zdirekt! 01/2021 INTERVIEW
“New Normal is here to stay”

YOKOTEN 01/2021 Leading at a distance Part 1: How to achieve real results with virtual leadership?

FÜR SIE 21/2020
More lightness

Consulting.de 10/2020 Emergence from the crisis sometimes also means staff reductions – An overview of legal options
Link to the article

Süddeutsche Zeitung 09/2020
Creativity as a management issue

“According to Susanne Nickel creativity is a matter for the boss.”

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Petra 10/2020
The great life coaching

SparkassenZeitung 09/2020
Guiding yourself through hard times
Link to the article

Handelsblatt 14.09.2019
Companies need an emotional upgrade

TZ 18.10.2019
Career plan for women

Manager Seminars Issue 5  | May 2019
Series: Co-created Change.

Building visions with Lego p. 34 ff.

Changement Handelsblatt Issue 2/2019
Cover story: The right tools. P. 24 ff. Co-creative tools: Involve employees and inspire them with change

Time for Change 4.0 - are you ready?
Yours, Susanne Nickel


Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Susanne Nickel
Speakers Excellence Top 100, 2022.
Susanne Nickel | Speakers Excellence 2023.
S. Nickel | Deutsches Rednerlexikon.
S. Nickel | Auszeichnung GSA
Susanne Nickel | Auszeichnung BDVT


Susanne Nickel | Auszeichnungen 2023