Susanne Nickel at a glance

Susanne Nickel unites
supposed opposites

Failure - Being Successful
Secondary school - 3 degrees
Proactive - Appreciative
Emphatic - Assertive
Entrepreneur and Manager - Creative Chaotic
Enthusiast and Passion - Silence and Meditation


Susanne Nickel is an expert in change management and innovative leadership. She gained her experience during her many years as a manager and consultant in both national and international companies and corporations – most recently as Head of Management Development at Kienbaum and as Head of HR at Haufe Akademie in Consulting. She has been in and out of almost all DAX 30 companies for many years. From change in mindset to successful implementation – she knows how change really works. Susanne Nickel lives what she teaches and has successfully mastered many changes both privately and professionally as a manager.


She is a lawyer, business mediator, and management consultant. For many years, she appeared on television as a press officer and legal expert and was known for explaining complex issues simply. Susanne Nickel teaches leadership at renowned universities and studied dance at the renowned Folkwang University with Pina Bausch. Like no one else, she unites supposed opposites such as creativity and structure – emotion and ratio. Both are important prerequisites for successful transformation.


As a speaker, Susanne Nickel won the award for the best keynote at the GSA in 2016. In her presentations and workshops, she inspires her participants with many practical examples and her motivating and inspiring manner.

„Susanne Nickel is as infectious as a rock star“

Edmund Komar | CEO People. Innovation. Partners.

Susanne Nickel | Change-Expertin


Change can inspire!


“Susanne Nickel's presentation was a motivating and inspiring plea for more joy in change. "

Bernd Döpke | Head of BMW Munich Branch


“Companies of the
future need an
emotional upgrade”


Susanne Nickel in person

As a little girl, at the age of 9, I wanted to become a dancer as a Ludwigshafen BASF child and set out to achieve this first goal and great change in my life. As a teenager, I studied dance with Pina Bausch and realized my childhood dream. What does it take? Passion, enthusiasm, and a great vision seeing every day as a challenge, goal orientation, and discipline. Being courageous and persevering, even when things don’t go so well. That is the most important thing in personal change and also in organizations.

For me, it continued with a lot of changes: At 19, I became a mother, the greatest happiness on earth, and the greatest challenge at the same time. Then I studied law, again a change from creativity to structure. As a single parent with a child, I worked as a model to earn a living. I practiced law for years, was a TV press spokesperson, and have been in management consulting for 20 years. Further courses of study and advanced training followed because for me life means lifelong learning! The last course of study to become a professional speaker kicked off my career as a speaker among the top 100.

Due to my particular life story, which is characterized by change, I know what change is, how it feels, and what one experiences in the different phases. I was also often confronted with the topic of change in my professional stations – whether as a manager or as an employee.

My own experience is the basis of my mission: to accompany people during a corporate change. To accompany and inspire them in a time of digital transformation full of ambidextrous challenges.

My mission is to open people up to change, to give them courage, and to overcome resistance together. To create space for learning and innovation. I love to advise people and organizations with creative methods and to inspire them with my presentations.

Above all, I support the management in implementing change with the commitment of the people: With the right vision, communication, and goal setting.

My credo is: Change can be fun!”

Time for Change 4.0 - are you ready?
Yours, Susanne Nickel


Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Susanne Nickel
Speakers Excellence Top 100, 2022.
Susanne Nickel | Speakers Excellence 2023.
S. Nickel | Deutsches Rednerlexikon.
S. Nickel | Auszeichnung GSA
Susanne Nickel | Auszeichnung BDVT


Susanne Nickel | Auszeichnungen 2023